July 7, 2007

Speaking of “It’s Raining Men,” I want to know if there’s anybody who reads this who hasn’t heard the song. I mean, what an absurd idea, but the young mystify me more and more these days so God only knows.

I ask because I found a copy of the original video and I want to post it because it’s so hilariously gay and cheesy–like, gayer than the Gingerbread Golden Girls and the Tribute to Ray Harryhausen put together–but I wouldn’t want such a post to be somebody’s first encounter with the song because the hilarity obscures the song’s brilliance now that we no longer tease our hair or wear belts wider than I-95.

So if you haven’t heard “It’s Raining Men,” email me and I’ll send it to you.

I’ll post the video in a few days.

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8 Responses to Speaking of “It’s Raining Men,” I want to know if there’s anybody

  1. Signalite says:

    Timidly raises hand…

  2. Lee says:

    And it was co-written by Paul Shaffer!

  3. Jeffrey says:

    “…now that we no longer tease our hair or wear belts wider than I-95.”

    I wish someone had told me sooner.

  4. campbell says:

    Oh lordy, lordy! I can’t wait to see it again. Another stroll down Memory Lane, tender smile on face, martini glass in hand. Sadly, Memory Lane is about the only place I get to stroll these days

  5. Oh Signalite, I just wanna give you a hug and pinch your cheeks.

    Boy do I know that song.

  6. lagolamour says:

    I went over to YouTube, having been inspired by this topic, and viewed the video there.
    Oh. My. Gawd.
    The gals seem to be thrilled that Mother Nature has sent down the advanced jazz class from Steps Studio, circa 1980, blissfully unaware that said individuals are actually more interested in one another than in any get-it-on with the Weathergirls.
    It’s raining gays!

  7. Andy says:

    I’ve loved that song forever (of course), but I didn’t see the video until…I think it was last year, and I don’t even remember where or why. But I do remember thinking, wow…that’s baaaaaad. Charming and funny, but…ooof, what do you think the total production cost was? $29.95?

  8. lee says:

    Actually, it was $31.07. We had to pay extra on a disability claim.


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