April 13, 2008

I spent a significant amount of time today at the first birthday party of a child whose parents are Republicans. There was no chocolate.

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7 Responses to I spent a significant amount of time today at the first birthday

  1. Keith Gow says:

    Congratulations – you just described my vision of hell.

  2. Eric says:

    Correlation or causation? I think the answer is clear.

  3. NK says:

    What? No chocolates? What kind of host are they?

  4. Kenny says:

    Obviously, chocolate means the terrorists are winning. Where’s your patriotism, man?

  5. anne marie in philly says:

    hopefully they did not open their mouths and show what idiots they really are.

    I pity the poor child growing up in a repressed environment.

    reminds me of the song from the show “south pacific” (“carefully taught”).

  6. Andy says:

    You know, actually, I’m okay with Republican parents, because it’s abundantly clear to me that the most talented people had fucked up childhoods.

  7. John says:

    Oh, there was chocolate, my friend. Be sure of that. Republicans just aren’t too keen on the notion of sharing.


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