January 21, 2008

I’ve spent the last hour and a half trying to write a post in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and no matter how I went at it I always ended up in such a rage that the post veered into the ranting of a crazy person.

I have yet to decide who I’m voting for in the primaries on February 5. I mean, yes, Clinton this and Obama that and Edwards the other thing blah blah blah. But I think they’re all liars. I think the Democrats are more or less nicer liars than the Republicans. But even within the party, how can I make a choice when I don’t believe a goddamn word coming out of anybody’s mouth (with the possible exception of Dennis Kucinich)?

Here’s what I think: I think we should revolt. I think that every state and federal government official currently serving, whether elected or appointed, and irrespective of party, should be put to death for high treason (with the possible exception of Dennis Kucinich). I mean, we’d have to start over, but then at least it might take another two hundred years for the government to disintegrate into the calcified pudding it is today. And who knows? Maybe something would go differently and after two centuries we’d have devout Christians running for office who actually bothered to think about what religion means, who had read, say, Luke 14:12-14 and actually paid attention so that when they gave a luncheon or a dinner, they didn’t invite their friends or their brothers or their relatives or rich neighbors, lest these also invite them in return, and repayment come to them, but when they gave a reception, invited the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, so they would be blessed, since these had no means to repay them.

Okay, I’m working myself into a rage again, so obviously it’s time to stop writing and go buy guns.

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