March 1, 2007

I feel almost certain that everybody has seen these by now, but just in case, here are three spots created for Equal Marriage.

They’re kind of brilliant.

(Thanks to him for the link.)

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5 Responses to I feel almost certain that everybody has seen these by now, but

  1. tim says:

    OK, the one where he puts the glass on the coaster had me clutching my stomach. It’s so me and my husband. Those were hilarious.

  2. David says:

    There is quite the “discussion” regarding these going on over at Joe.My.God. I think they are charming, if a little sophomoric, but I’m sure they will bend the minds of the more mainstream public.

  3. Janey says:

    Do you mean that it is not just my DH who acts like that?

  4. Janey says:

    I just had to look – and listen – to the coaster one again. (Tim is quite right.)

    The clinking noises are just so spot-on. They just sound so *irritated* … the noises do.

  5. sam says:

    Only gayer.. now there’s a tag-line.


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