Herr Doktor has got a new couch. To be delivered in 4 to 6 weeks of course. But for himself to lie on.
If I talk to myself on the couch does that make me crazy? If I do it long enough do I get sane?
Herr Doktor: So, self, what made you wait so long to replace the old couch?
Self: It was still good!
HD: That’s ridiculous. It was threadbare and smelly.
Self: Don’t say that! I liked that couch. It went through a lot with me.
HD: A lot of you went through it. A lot of a lot of things went through it. It was old and smelly.
Self: Yeah! That’s right. I got laid on that couch, it has good proportions. I recovered from surgery on that couch, I watched hundreds of movies on that couch. I feel attached to it, leave me alone.
HD: Some magic will go out of your life when it goes?
Self: Fuck you. Why do you have to have some lesson for everything? Why do you have to take everything so seriously?
HD: This work is about you, not me.
Self: WHAT?!?
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