July 17, 2005

Greetings, kids, this is Sparky, assuming control of the Faustus, M.D., Clinic for Neurotic Bloggers for the remainder of the good doctor’s absence. When we authors ad interim were given our assignments we were instructed in no uncertain terms to produce at least one substantial post a day during each of our stints. That’s a nice idea, but when you’ve been at this game as long as I have, that kind of inspiration is hard to come by. The musical theater, however, provided me with an answer to the dilemma, as it does in so many things: “You gotta have a gimmick.”

So, for the next week I’m going to take a few of those gay haiku you’ve heard so much about, and tell stories that will illustrate why I found a few of them so personally meaningful. Voilà! Instant content.

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5 Responses to Greetings, kids, this is Sparky,

  1. Mushlette says:

    Haiku! You’re a genius! 😉

  2. Pingback: The Search for Love in Manhattan

  3. Pingback: The Search for Love in Manhattan

  4. Pingback: The Search for Love in Manhattan

  5. Pingback: The Search for Love in Manhattan

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