September 21, 2009

I wrote here about the misunderstanding I had with my editor in preparation for the release of the paperback edition of my book Swish: My Quest to Become the Gayest Person Ever and What Happened Instead, the misunderstanding being that after she said “Send me any changes you want to make,” I sent her a list of 168 changes when what she actually meant was four to six. In the comments, a couple people suggested posting the remaining changes to mitigate the effects of Random House’s parsimony. Since the fact that I had to make changes meant that the book as it exists isn’t perfect, I was delighted by this suggestions, as it means I can make the book perfect ex post facto. I can’t imagine that anybody is particularly interested in going through the text with a pen changing semi-colons to periods and adding auxiliary verbs, but in what I think is a remarkable if painful display of emotional fortitude I’m going to say that that is not my problem and that the important thing is that it’s there.

Therefore I ask you to

1. click here to download a PDF of corrections to Swish or
2. know that such a PDF exists and that if you chose you could download it and make the book perfect.

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