September 24, 2008

The other night, as I was knitting a pair of socks, E.S. was dancing around to some music he’d just downloaded. He tried to get me to dance with him but I demurred. Later in the evening he had obviously gotten into a very grumpy mood; I could tell because I would ask him questions and he wouldn’t answer them. Then we had the following brief conversation.

FAUSTUS: Why aren’t you talking to me?
E.S.: Because you wouldn’t dance with me earlier.
FAUSTUS: I was in the middle of a round of knitting.
E.S.: Life happens in the middle of rounds of knitting.
FAUSTUS: Not if I can help it.

Then we had sex.

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13 Responses to The other night, as I was knitting a pair of socks, E

  1. Kha says:

    Was he dancing to Scissor Sisters’ Don’t feel like dancing by any chance?

  2. TED says:

    The unhappiness of the Casaubons’ marriage can be entirely explained by their failure to have this very conversation.

  3. initials says:

    … So you danced, anyway… Quitter! 😉

  4. anne marie in philly says:

    can we see a picture of the sox when completed, please?

    this fron a fellow knitter…

  5. John says:

    anne marie,

    You misspelled “sex.”


  6. bernd says:

    Admit it, you knew how to provoke him, so he’d nail you through the mattress.

  7. JamesR says:

    “Life happens in the middle of rounds of knitting.”
    So E.S. was right.

  8. Ash says:

    So glad to hear you’re still at it! Knitting that is. The sex was, of course, never in question.

  9. Rebecca says:

    On one hand, how could you not dance?

    On the other, I know how annoying it is to be interrupted in the middle of a row because you always forget where you were when you pick it back up.

  10. jeffrey says:

    I am curious about the last line…and then we had sex.

    I am not familiar with activity. It sounds interesting but surely not as exciting as knitting.

    I always enjoy good socks.

  11. Jodi says:

    You are such a knitwit.

  12. David says:

    You are the bossiest bottom in bottomland.

    But I think bernd’s assessment holds quite a bit of water as well.

  13. goblinbox says:

    I’m glad that years of shacking up together hasn’t dulled the passion. I tend to get bored of boys I actually live with.


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