April 5, 2008

You know, it used to be that I knew where I was going, I knew exactly how to get there, I had complete confidence in myself to make the right choices in any number of situations.

But it’s been a long time since I was seven.

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9 Responses to You know, it used to be that I knew where I was going, I knew

  1. mak says:

    I know just the right combination of showtunes to get you through moments like this.

  2. As long as it includes neither “Hakuna Matata” nor “To Dream the Impossible Dream.”

  3. Kenny says:

    …or “It Sucks to Be Me” from Avenue Q.


  4. Logan says:

    Indeed. A long, long, long time.


  5. Logan says:

    Also, I don’t know about you, but these days I consider it an accomplishment in and of itself when I open a blank tab in my browser and actually remember which site I was about to open.

    This is the first step. Soon enough I’ll just be glad to get to point B from point A without physical support and without accidentally shitting myself halfway there.

  6. Kenny: How could I have forgotten that?

    Logan: Bitch. Also, your sympathetic e-mail would have carried more weight if you weren’t sixty thousand years younger than I am.

  7. Kerry says:

    Yes, seven was a VERY VERY long time ago for you, wasn’t it?

  8. Logan says:

    You know I have nothing but utter love and admiration for you, but sixty thousand? Seriously. Base five is a little unreasonable.

  9. John says:

    Oh, I don’t know. Twenty-two years isn’t really THAT long, is it?

    You’re welcome.


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