February 11, 2008

This is really kind of extraordinary and not a little frightening.


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5 Responses to This is really kind of extraordinary and not a little frightening

  1. David says:

    Wow. Some Asian kids are in for an awkward moment the first time they order breakfast in an American diner.

  2. Adam875 says:

    That’s nothing. Check this out.

  3. Hey, congrats. You got a mention on Tapped, or at least your most recent book was mentioned. Way to go. (http://www.prospect.org/csnc/blogs/tapped)

  4. birdfarm says:

    I couldn’t find Joel’s book mentioned on Tapped (would love a more specific link, Houston Bridges…) but I read an education article and spent like an hour composing a long and thoughtful comment… but the site wouldn’t accept it. It kept saying “the content you entered is wrong.” WTF??

    I blame Houston Bridges. 😉

  5. birdfarm says:

    By the way…. In case anyone’s curious… as far as I can tell, the Chinese text in the poster above just says the name of the thing pictured.


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