January 1, 2008

When last we saw our heroes, they had yet to answer an important question.

E.S.: Faustus, will you marry me?
(Faustus is overwhelmed.)
E.S.: …
E.S.: That wasn’t a yes.
FAUSTUS: Oh, crap. I’m sorry. Um, y–. Wait, hang on a second, I’ll be right back. (He stands up.)
E.S.: What? Where are you going?
FAUSTUS: Okay, I haven’t been an astrology freak for years and years and years but this is super extra important so I have to go check and make sure the moon isn’t void of course. You stay right there.
(As E.S. stays on bended knee, FAUSTUS leaps over the coffee table, runs into the other room, quickly checks the void-of-course ephemeris online, runs back, leaps over the coffee table again, turns to E.S., and takes his hands.)
FAUSTUS: Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!
(They embrace.)
FAUSTUS: So what pushed you over the edge?
E.S.: What do you mean?
FAUSTUS: I’ve been nagging you for years to propose to me. What made you finally do it?
E.S.: Oh, every time you said something about it I just figured okay, I’m waiting another month. And then in October I thought gee, he hasn’t mentioned it in like four or five months, I guess I should go get a ring.
FAUSTUS: This better not be my Christmas present.
E.S.: Your shirt is on inside out.

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