September 20, 2007

Folks who live in or around the New York metropolitan area, I will be reading part of Swish at the following event.

It’s comedy just like your mom used to make. If your mom was really really gay.

Saturday, September 22nd, at 8:30 PM
only seven bucks admission
at the LGBT Community Center 208 W 13th Street New York NY 10011

With Special Guests

Betty Pages: Pregnant evangelical with a ukulele. Of course.
Joel Derfner: Gayest Person Ever
Leigh Thompson: Heartland escapee/furious trans activist/raging queer

And, as always,

Your host, Glitter Queen Bevin Branlandingham
Kelli Dunham, The Raging Koala Bear Comic
Petunia the Trivia Goddess with fabulous prizes

The last time I read from Swish I ended up taking all my clothes off onstage, so who knows what might be on offer this time?

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10 Responses to Folks who live in or around the New York metropolitan area, I

  1. Jeffrey says:

    Clearly, you’ve set the bar for yourself pretty high — or pretty low, depending on your point of view. Either way, break a leg (preferably someone else’s).

  2. Eric says:

    I’m only going to come out to this if you get at least as naked as you did the last time you read.

  3. Bevin says:

    The naked time was fun. I am hoping it involved a portable stripper pole. That’s just me, though.

  4. David says:

    I will still be stuffing myself with bagels and lox after fasting all day, so I will have to miss this one. Besides, you can see someone naked just so many times before it starts to feel routine. I don’t want the magic to fade.

  5. Chris says:

    you think gay men will go to a book reading just to see nudity? shame on you.

  6. Daniel says:

    Your last paragraph made me start setting aside my bus fare to NYC.

  7. sam says:

    You haven’t been complaining about your abs lately, so this sounds promising.

  8. Leigh says:

    Again, brilliant! And this time you didn’t resort to showy, shameful nakedness.

    (And I had my fingers crossed for nothing…)

    Looking forward to Swish,

  9. Joey says:

    I would like to request a private reading…I have my own “portable stripper pole” bring yours, if you must, but we’ll be using mine…

  10. Joey says:

    PS … swish THIS!


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