In just over a month, I will be making my professional début as an actor on the New York stage, in the Fringe Festival, in a pair of plays called Scout’s Honor and Becky’s Beaver. My character in Becky’s Beaver is apparently still under construction, but she is, I’m told, a fraidy-cat Girl Scout. In Scout’s Honor I will be playing a gay Cub Scout with an anxiety disorder. I’m a little worried that portraying a character so different from me will be difficult, if not impossible, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?
The show will be performed by six actors; three men and three women. In Scout’s Honor all six of us will play boys, and in Becky’s Beaver all six of us will play girls. I got the call informing me I’d been cast a couple of weeks ago, and have spent the entire time since then hoping against hope that the character with whom I have a make-out scene will be played by a boy rather than by a girl, especially because there’s rope involved.
We had our first rehearsal last night, and not only is the character with whom I have a make-out scene played by a boy rather than by a girl, but the actor playing him is hot.
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