May 31, 2006

Remember when I went to Seattle for auditions for a show of mine and ended up thinking that most of the men who auditioned for us were too gay?

Well, we cast a couple of them anyway.

And I have learned, after being in rehearsal for a week and a half, that they’re straight.

Luckily, they’re terrific performers, so everything is okay, except for the fact that I don’t understand anything anymore.

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20 Responses to Remember when I went to Seattle for auditions for a show of mine

  1. bitchphd says:

    Ah, how I miss Seattle.

  2. Logan says:

    Straight or “straight”?

  3. g8s says:

    They’re straight… Of course they are… Mm-hmm…

  4. Adam875 says:

    Ah, musical theater!

  5. David says:

    Funny how that works.

  6. Travis says:

    Welcome to the world of metrosexuality. πŸ˜‰

  7. Aidan says:

    Liza said the same thing about several of her husbands.

  8. Joe says:

    Seattle’s damp weather has clouded your gaydar sensors. I’ll handle it: “Calling Dr. Bombay! Dr. Bombay! Emergency! Come right away!”

  9. anapestic says:

    It’s a confusing world we live in. On the plus side, though, additional verses to “Anything Goes” pretty much write themselves.

  10. Jere says:

    See…you should have case me. πŸ™‚

  11. Jere says:

    CAST, that is.

  12. Kenny says:

    I think that’s why I’ve strayed away from musical theater; too many confusing signals being thrown around by anyone. I generally think the only difference between a straight musical theater actor and a gay one is a six pack (of beer, that is).

    Or perhaps they’re on gayaway. You know: bi now, gay later. Is that too old to be funny?

  13. Andy says:

    They were probably just acting gay in the audition to get the job. That’s how it works. Men try to act gay, women show off their boobs. And sometimes the other way around.

  14. Lavi Soloway says:

    Luckily, Joel, House Republicans have drafted the Defense of Heterosexual Masculinity Act, which requires gay acting straights to wear a special tamper-proof government-issued ‘dog tag’ with a 2GB microchip containing evidence of their heterosexuality (photos, affidavits from friends and family, video clips of the wearer expressing disgust at the prevalence of gays in Musical Theatre, etc.). The bill is understandably popular (it was passed in response to last year’s Million Gay Man March at which organizers demanded that straight men stop pretending to be gay and taking all the “gay jobs”) and has White House backing leading into the mid-term election. So pretty soon, it will all be straighted out.

  15. Ruby says:

    Congratulations! Another great work about to be performed on stage. That is wonderful.

    But, just what is it that you don’t understand?

  16. tim says:

    I saw the Sunday performance of the show (and enjoyed it quite a bit. I thought some of the songs were beautiful), but now I wonder: which actors were “too gay”? With the possible exception of one guy, everyone seemed super-straight to me. Maybe I’ve honned my gaydar to be more Seattle-cenric; I’m always confused when I go to New York — everyone seems gay.

  17. Z says:

    yesss…for the show that is…so sad about the gaydar…you shall overcome!…puns are great…meanwhile I’m in Prague…so close to your work yet so far far away! Congrats!

  18. Paul says:

    Gay-vague straight men?! Damn, why can’t they just act straight!!


  19. Sin says:

    You think it’s bad in theatre? Try coming to London. My friends who visit and I inevitably waste HOURS playing the “Is he British or gay?” game.

  20. goblinbox says:

    Tim, everyone in New York is gay.


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