N.B.: This is my second post today.
Surely there are things more likely to make you doubt the existence of a rational universe than spending an evening in a private room in a Japanese restaurant cum karaoke bar with twenty increasingly drunk psychiatrists singing the song from Titanic.
But I can’t think of any of them at the moment.
In other news, I am leaving town tomorrow for three weeks. I will be in parts of the country where internet access will be spotty at best and dial-up at worst. For two weeks I’ll be in Connecticut at the National Music Theater Conference. Check the schedule for Blood Drive if you’re interested in coming to a public presentation of what I’ll be working on. After that’s over, I’ll be on a top-secret mission below the Mason-Dixon line for a week.
In my absence, you will be in the hands of three supremely capable guest bloggers; the unifying thread is that I wish I could sleep with each one of them. (The unifying thread was going to be that I wish I had slept with each one of them, since I knew them all when I was single, but as one of them is a girl I ended up having to adjust.) Let me hasten to assure you that, if you’re not guest blogging, I probably wish I could sleep with you all the same. The set of guest bloggers for the next three weeks is simply a proper subset of the set of bloggers I wish I could sleep with.
You’ll be in very good hands, I promise.
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