July 31, 2005

How is it that I am 200 pages into Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and have found three errors (one grammatical, two spelling) but no actual plot events?

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21 Responses to How is it that I

  1. Schorsch says:

    The errors: may be you should try the English original as opposed to the American translation!
    The plot: What else did you expect?
    With Harry Potter books, it’s like with home-grown zucchini: They grow and grow, they look impressive in size, but the bigger they get the less tasty they are.

  2. Ruby says:

    I love how you’re neuorotic when it come to spelling and grammar. So am I and everyone hates it. But who cares…at leat I spell correctly (^^,) right!

  3. Lauren says:

    The plot events got sick of all the hype and went to live in a Diana Wynne Jones novel instead.

  4. Phil says:

    I somehow managed to read the entire book yesterday. The only thing that actually happens is they shoot the dog at the end.

  5. anapestic says:

    I will confess to liking the Harry Potter series, but I think Ms. Rowling’s editors have often been caught asleep at the monitor. The errors in the current installment may perhaps be more egregious than the lapses of earlier volumes, but either in the rush to publication, they have not cared to help her, or she has not cared to be helped, and it is impossible to distinguish between the two with only the text as evidence. Ever since Goblet of Fire, I have been ready for the conclusion of the series, and while I have found reading the latest two installments entertaining enough, in terms of plot, they appear to have done little more than lay the foundation for a final installment of breathtaking length. Fortunately, you know someone who can treat the hernia that is sure to result.

  6. Do An says:

    That’s because the Harry Potter books suck.
    Try reading the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. In that you will find good writing, well developed characters, and a strong plot line.

  7. carrie says:

    Personally, I find the diction of the Harry Potter books most interesting. For example, in the last two books, Rowling chose “ejaculated” as an attribution. You’d think “interjected” or “cut in” would suffice.

  8. birdfarm says:

    But did you count all the irritating “translations” from English to “American English”?

    (Should the question mark go inside or outside of the quotes in the sentence above? I think outside, but it doesn’t look right. Also should there be a period after the last parenthesis here?)

    I was so irritated when I heard that they “translated” these books (flat to apartment, lorry to truck, etc.). (Is that right, etc-period-parenthesis-period?)

    It’s like everything else in this stupid country–god forbid anyone should have to figure something out (“what’s a lorry? hmmm, from the clues in the text, it seems like it must be the British word for truck”). No, be sure to feed us everything in easily-digestible pabulum form.

  9. matt says:

    Who is Harry Potter?

  10. Christopher says:

    Seriously – do you think these gramatical errors are as a result of UK English being translated to US English?

    I have read all the UK editions of all six books and I do not remember reading the word “ejaculated” and trust me … I WOULD have remembered that!! I will now HAVE to buy the American editions.

    I read that the first book, Harry Pottter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was changed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the US because American readers would have been turned off by the word “Philosopher”. Surely not, but what other reason, etc …

  11. chris says:

    amerikans are stoopid *giggles*

  12. Groomzilla says:


  13. Nikki says:

    I knew all good things have to come to an end. Didn’t expect it to be so soon.

  14. Jay says:

    The story’s getting a little tedious – I don’t think it really needs so many pages and so many volumes – but the storytelling is still a lot of fun.

    -shrugs- I’ve read all 6 and I’ll be reading the 7th when it comes out.

  15. matt says:

    I’ve tried to get interested in the Harry Potter series, but I have always had a mistrust of anything that is “too” popular in our mainstream culture. I think I was the only 10 year old who was disinterested in Star Wars.

    …they shot a dog?

  16. Mush says:

    The last two installments have sucked, to put it bluntly, but I read them. And I’ll read the next one as well.


  17. Lux says:

    Is this a koan or a rhetorical question?

  18. cs says:

    i have to confess…
    i first downloaded a false, fan-written book. read it completely. thought “the people were right, this one isn’t all that good”. then discovered my error, downloaded the correct book, read it and… …the real thing was nearly as good as the false one.

  19. Ruby says:

    I want to download the book. Can someone help give me a link?
    Im afraid to buy the book and then hate it…I like to see the movie first before I buy it’s book. But hey, that’s just me and FYI Chris. We are not stupid. America gave birth to some pretty great spellers like ME. so dont call us ‘stoopid’.
    Just kidding.
    Hey Faustus, I’m neurotic like you when it comes to spelling. My heart goes out to you. (^^,)

  20. Ruby says:

    damn, I made a MISTAKE. I didn’t mean to say {it’s} book. Just forget everybody. I’m going to make myself a drink now and take an asprin. Laugh your ass off Chris.

  21. mario says:

    My favorite Harry Potter books are the third, the fith and the sixth. For me plot is just one element in novels, one that is not always more important than creating three-dimentional characters and environments (i mean, you can always watch the movies if you just want a plot). I think the latest book has done great in depicting Harry’s growth, and making Voldemort more of a character. My only fear is that the last book will have too much to deal with.


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