Two orders of business today.
First, if you live in New York and you’re looking for something to do tonight, tomorrow night, or Saturday, let me highly recommend this show, produced by a friend of mine:
I saw it last night and it was the most enjoyable evening I’d spent in the theater in a long while.
And can that girl dance!
Second, I am so making myself these Rainbow Hotpants and teaching step class in them:
Except my abs are totally better than his.
[Edit: I emailed the author of the pattern asking about resizing, and it turns out that yes, that is a woman’s body, though the pattern described the hotpants as “totally gay” so I hope I can be forgiven for assuming that it was just a particularly bottomish guy. It’s not really fair to say that my abs are better than hers, as men’s and women’s bodies are very different when it comes to body fat percentages. Perhaps I’ll just post a picture of my bare midriff in those shorts when they’re done, and you can all weigh in.]
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