June 2, 2005

Tomorrow night at 8:15 EST, I am going to be interviewed about Gay Haiku on Derek and Romaine, a show on Sirius OutQ internet radio, channel 149. I don’t quite understand how internet radio stations work, but if you’re interested in listening and you’re not a Sirius member, you can go to the Sirius web site and sign up for a three-day trial (and they won’t automatically bill you after the three days are over).

Keep in mind that I will have just come from teaching aerobics, possibly without having had time to take a shower, and so I will either look sweaty and sexy or smell really bad. Not that either of these aspects will translate over the medium of internet radio, but still, you can hold whichever picture you like in your mind’s eye, or switch back and forth between them depending on how you’re feeling about me at any given point during the interview.

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