June 22, 2005

Can anybody help me?

Actually, let me rephrase that question so that it’s a touch less broad and the answer is less obviously “no.”

What I mean is: the posts between June 13 and June 20 inexplicably show up as being written by “Faustus,” with no “MD” after his name. The horror of having people think that I think it’s appropriate to have a moniker that ends in a comma is really too great to bear and I’m considering booking a flight to Florence and throwing myself in the Arno, just like Lauretta threatens to do in Gianni Schicchi if her father disapproves of her relationship with Rinuccio, though between you and me I believe she has mild borderline personality disorder.

But before I take such an extreme step, I figured I’d ask if any reader is computer-savvy enough to make a suggestion. My display name used to be “Faustus,” (first) and “MD” (last); I’ve already gone into my profile and changed the first name to “Faustus, MD” and left the last name blank. So posts from here on out should be fine. But I also republished after that, which should mean that all those posts show up with the new version of the display name, but on my screen they don’t. I even started deleting posts and reposting them until I realized that of course the comments would then disappear and I would have no evidence that anybody realized I existed at all over the last two weeks, and my therapist really has enough to deal with already. So if you have any ideas about how to fix this, please email me.

Oh, my God. I used to post about orgies on this blog. Now I’m posting about the minutiae of programming. Maybe I should book that flight to Florence anyway.

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