May 11, 2005

First, a belated but very heartfelt thanks to him for some wonderful advice about book publicity. Again, I can offer you the idea of free sex but it’s a notion whose potential energy my boyfriend prevents from being released. But know that the thought is there.

Second, thank you to everybody who commented about how cute the picture is on the web site of the man who has never been seen in a room with me at the same time. Due to an appalling oversight on my part, I failed to note that the photos were taken by the astonishingly and effervescently brilliant Chia Messina, whose services I recommend without reservation to anybody in need of a head shot.

Third, now that I’m a published author, why haven’t all my problems gone away?

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6 Responses to First, a belated but very

  1. EGL says:

    You have to give yourself a chance to become fabulously wealthy from book sales before all of your problems will go away. If you don’t become fabulously wealthy or you still have problems after that then, I guess you’re just screwed.

  2. Kevin says:

    They’re taunting you to write about them in your next book.

  3. anapestic says:

    I’ve also heard that you’ve never been seen in the same room with Lainie Kazan.

  4. Book Worm says:

    Here’s a bit of Olde New York advice: “Publishing a book and $2 will get you carfare.”

    Take pride, relish the moment, angle for a new contract — but don’t ditch the day job.

  5. Mushlette says:

    You have problems?!?!

  6. charles says:

    Just keep those thoughts coming! And anytime you and E.S. are ready for a three-way, the idea of my boyfriend is ready and willing.


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