It is I, Faustus. I have “finished” the show I was writing that opens in three weeks. (“Finished” is in quotes because it’s a lie.) However, I couldn’t let David solidify his position in my empire any further, so I figured it was time to come back.
Last night, for reasons passing understanding, my Tivo failed to record Angel. After troubling deaf heaven with my bootless cries (though if heaven is deaf, I suppose it doesn’t really matter whether one’s cries are bootful or not), I sat on the couch, defeated, watching Law & Order with my brother’s girlfriend L.G. During a commercial break we had the following conversation.
FAUSTUS: [Sigh.]
L.G.: Are you coming down from your rage?
FAUSTUS: It’s more like sinking into a pit of despair.
L.G.: That’s probably an improvement.
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