February 12, 2004

So my meeting with Hal Prince on Tuesday was among the most nerve-wracking experiences I’ve ever had, partially because, of the three of us writing the show, one of us (the bookwriter) knew him and had worked with him before, so of course it was the bookwriter whose wife’s water broke fifteen minutes before the meeting, so he had to go back home to, you know, have a baby or something stupid like that (some people clearly need to get their priorities straight), and the lyricist and I, who didn’t know Mr. Prince and had never worked with him before, had to have the meeting alone.

I won’t describe the meeting in detail, mostly because I was in such a state of nervous terror the whole time that I can’t really remember any details, but the upshot is that, though he doesn’t want to work on this musical, he does want us to send him some more material in different styles to see if he might be interested in working on something else with us.

Of course, since this is the first show the lyricist and I have ever written, having met each other for the first time when we were paired on this project, we have virtually no other material, in this style or any other.

It’s going to be a busy month.

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6 Responses to So my meeting with Hal

  1. campbell says:

    Sounds pretty good to me, congratulations.

    Shame about the bookwriter but my, admittedly limited ,experience leads me to believe that never, in the entire history of the human race, did any woman’s waters break at an entirely convenient moment.

    Of course, in the Good Old Days he’d have carried right on with the meeting!

  2. David says:

    Given what I’ve seen so far, I’d say that the right two people met with him. Congratulations!!!

  3. CharlieNYC says:

    Meanwhile, I’m still laughing about translating Billy Joel songs into French. If Choire hadn’t almost outed me with a bad sex story, I would’ve congratulated you in person. You made straight boys laugh at a musical theatre song about buttsex. Bravo!

  4. Wayne says:

    You will do well. 🙂 I know you will. Cause you are Faustus!

  5. What did you wear?

  6. Jalal says:

    You? Nervous ? That is new.


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