February 4, 2004

I don’t know what I’m going to do.

E.S. taped American Idol for me tonight (since it overlapped with Angel) but I’m not going to get to see it until Friday.

How will I live without knowing if Scooter Girl is one of the final 32? Or the hateful Kira? (By the way–if you tell me in the comments, I’ll hunt you down and rip your head off.)

I’d never seen the show in my life before this season, and already I’m reacting to missing it like a heroin addict who showed up five minutes after the methadone treatment center closed for the weekend.

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5 Responses to I don't know what I'm

  1. i saw the episode tonight and i have to agree that i am also crazy about scooter girl…. that is all i have to say. 🙂

  2. Patrick says:

    American Idol is also my guilty little secret – I’m loving it way too much…

  3. Sin says:

    I would suggest you go to http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com, and see what the recap says. It’s more entertaining than the actual show.

    But that could just be because the light hurts my eyes. We haaaatessssss the Kira!

  4. hot toddy says:

    Proof of my cultural and intellectual downfall: I forgot to watch Angel and tape American Idol because I got caught up playing Karaoke Revolution on my Playstation 2.

    Faustus, we can quit anytime. I know we can.

  5. Wayne says:

    Yeah, and I started to have this crush on Simon.

    Oh shit, did I just expose my darkest secret?!


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