December 5, 2003

This is a modification of a traditional Hebrew prayer:

It is ours to praise the beauty of the world,
Even as we discern that it is torn.
For nothing is whole that is not first rent,
And out of the torn we make whole again.
We live with promise in creation’s lap,
Redemption budding in our hands.
Let us begin.

Though usually I think I’ve successfully rooted out all traces of hope from my life, every once in a while I stumble while crossing the street and there it is.

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7 Responses to This is a modification of

  1. zenchick says:

    love this…love it even more as a fellow Tribe member 🙂

  2. Patrick (the other one) says:

    Beautiful. From yesterday’s entry to this should be the ridiculous to the sublime, but it seems apt somehow.

    It is already late, so let us begin…

  3. Angelo says:

    What was there? Three pounds of flesh?

  4. Dr.P says:

    That is beautiful.

  5. Buni says:


  6. PatCH says:

    That’s beautiful.

  7. No more Guest blogging at Mike’s, Faustus – Troubleddiva is no more …


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