December 1, 2003

I am now back from western Maryland, having survived a week in the middle of nowhere with this man, his dog, his boyfriend, his boyfriend’s sister, my dog, and some very scary movies. On the drive back, we passed a site on which someone was rebuilding Noah’s Ark. We knew the structure was Noah’s Ark because of the sign that said, “Noah’s Ark Being Rebuilt Here.”

The thing is, we passed the very same structure with the very same sign on our way back from western Maryland when we went last year. And it was in the very same state of completion.

Clearly, somebody has been falling down on the job.

I mean, come on. How long can you really think it’ll be before God destroys the world again in a flood the likes of which hasn’t been seen on earth for millenia?

Except wait. The whole point of the damn rainbow after the flood was over was the covenant God made with Noah that He would never destroy the world in a flood ever again. So what the hell is the point of rebuilding Noah’s Ark?

I guess the builder came to that very same realization.

Too bad he was out all that lumber already.

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