October 18, 2003

Thank you, everybody, for your suggestions for naming my hard drive. I’ll make sure to post my eventual decision.

The question for the day is: do the bags under my eyes come from

a) lack of sleep;
b) an outward manifestation of the rot that pervades my moral core; or
c) the fact that I’m getting older?

If the answer is a), I can always manage to get a little more sleep.

If the answer is b) I can probably find a way to have somebody paint a portrait of me that I store in my closet; this portrait, like that of Dorian Grey, will display all outward manifestations of moral rot, while I remain eternally young and beautiful.

And if the answer is c) then I should just kill myself now.

I’m kind of hoping for b) but I’m at something of a loss as to how to figure it out.

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