September 25, 2003

I’m going to London.

I’m going to London to see the London production of a musical I wrote.

Actually, since this musical has actually been produced in London before

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15 Responses to I'm going to London. I'm

  1. sarrah says:

    yipeee yipee lets do lunch!

    hmm well maybe that’s too scary as I am a stranger *stranger danger* but at least let me know where the production is showing:)

  2. Michael says:

    A chance to meet at last. Say you’ll meet me!

  3. Mr.D. says:

    So, Faustus, you’ll be able to practise your centres, labours and colours. And we drive on the left here, so be careful when stepping off of the pavement (sidewalk?)

  4. Jeff says:

    Have I mentioned that my new passport arrived in the mail this past weekend? This means I can now go out of the country freely. You know, just so you’re aware.

  5. Wayne says:

    Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiictuuuuuuuuuures!!! You’ve GOTTA take Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccctuuurreeess!!!

    And… tell us about the musical 🙂

  6. Makky says:

    Bloody hell. That is simply incredible.

  7. Carlene says:

    You are now easily the coolest person I have read this morning. Welcome to the top of the list!

  8. matt says:

    Ah, coming to London is pretty much like dying anyway.

    So when is this momentous event?

  9. Convivia says:


    Which one?

  10. Adam807 says:

    I’d better go tell the British how you’ve been slandering them in the comments of my blog!

    Which show is it?

  11. Mac says:

    Mazeltov! Yay! If you really like Indian food, take a jaunt over to South Ken for a restaurant named Vama. The garlic naan is insanely good!

  12. jalal says:

    faustus … you never have a bad post. never. how do you do it ?

    mac … hmm indian food. and all these new brands that are so appealing to the anglo american palette. but we here make sure NOONE else from india or pakistan saw us eat that … but that too if we did eat it 😉

  13. Sarrah and Michael, I’d be delighted to meet you both. It’s at the Bridewell Theatre, as part of an evening of one-acts called Notes Across a Small Pond or something like that. Mr. D., you left out the most important thing I need to practice, which is judgement. Convivia and Adam807, it’s Blood Drive. Matt, I’m not sure exactly when I’ll be there, but as performances start October 29 and end November 15, I can be pretty sure it’ll be during that time. I will definitely be eating Indian food, and Jalal, I do it by making sure I’m current in my sacrifices to our dark lord Satan.

  14. Velma Biggers says:

    My life is sadder than ever. Not only do I wish I wrote well, but I also wish I was a gay man, so I could have a shot at Faustus.

  15. sherry says:

    you should come to cambridge and do some sight seeing!


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