April 5, 2003

I’m terrified that I’m losing my edge.

As I begin to feel better about myself and my life, I’m finding it more difficult to be amusingly caustic and bitter on this blog. Sure, I still post little barbs of misery, but somehow my heart just hasn’t been in them lately. And since reading posts about my fabulous new haircut or how I actually spent three hours without worrying would cause any reasonably normal person to expire of boredom, I’m at something of a loss. I mean, I could start writing such posts and become so dull that my readership would disappear utterly, which would send me in turn into a spiral of depression and despair, which would put me in a position to start being funny and interesting again, but somehow I imagine there’s got to be a better solution than that.

Though, of course, I’ll have my fabulous new haircut to console me, so maybe I should give it a shot.

Confidential to Amanda: Thank you both for your comment and for the delicacy with which you proffered it. I have rectified the situation. I deleted the comment so as not to leave any evidence behind, but know that I appreciated it.

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