September 25, 2002

At one point, in May, I declared Festival Week. I would sleep with a different guy every day for a week.

It began very well but then I missed Tuesday, so I had to start over, after which the second attempt at Festival Week went swimmingly.

Now I find myself declining casual sex because it means I’d have to take the subway.

I’m not sure what this shift portends but it can’t be good.

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2 Responses to At one point, in May,

  1. Choire says:

    oh my god! me too! i just turned down sex in YOUR neighborhood cuz it was too far.

    This is a bad bad day.

  2. Pi says:

    Is the NYC subway really that bad? Ive used the london and the sydney undergrounds, and apart from the crazy people and the people performing intercourse, it wasnt that bad.


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