July 15, 2002

Something strange happened to my blog. Somehow (I suspect the Illuminati or perhaps the Elders of Zion) the entries for July 11 and July 13 were concatenated into one mega-entry which, while perhaps intriguing from a phenomenological point of view, nevertheless disrupted any semblance of narrative flow.

Plus, it cut off the “add a comment” section for July 13, and since I’m only doing this in an attempt to make everybody love me, I found the lost opportunity for validation completely unacceptable.

I have therefore edited the entry for July 11 so that the photographs of the hat are links rather than inserts. This seems to have fixed the problem. (I hope those of you who liked it better the old way will forgive me.) So if you’ve been baffled by my blog for the last few days, just go back to July 11 and read to the present. All will be made clear.

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