February 26, 2006

So apparently Joan Allen came to my show on Friday. Before curtain, she told the artistic director of the theater that she had to leave at intermission, because she had an early flight the next morning. Then intermission came . . . and she stayed. She said she couldn’t bring herself to leave. She told him after it was over that she’d loved it.

I’m floating a little bit right now.

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20 Responses to So apparently Joan Allen came to my show on Friday

  1. Z says:


  2. Adam875 says:

    I can’t believe I was sitting in a 99-seat theater with Joan Allen and you didn’t tell me!

    Oh, wait, I wasn’t supposed to make that about me, was I?

  3. Z: My thoughts exactly.

    Adam875: I didn’t actually know until afterwards. Do you think I would have been able to form coherent sentences at intermission otherwise?

  4. Spencer says:

    OMG OMG OMG i’m floating A LOT right now. OMG OMG OMG…. Joan Allen is a GODDESS… OMG OMG OMG. Lucky bitch you. :):):)):):

  5. David says:

    I’ve been to the restaurant and it’s a little pricey for what you get.

    Oh, wait.

  6. Adam875 says:

    I’m actually going to be working a benefit with her in a couple of weeks. I think I’ll try to find a good moment to say, “So, what are you working on these days? Seen any good Holocaust musicals lately?”

  7. birdfarm says:

    That is SO COOL!!!!!!! and so are YOU!

    Someday soon Joan Allen will be posting on her blog that “Dr. Faustus actually stopped and spoke to me at intermission. I just floated all the way home.”

    hee hee

    you go sweetie


  8. birdfarm: Unfortunately, I didn’t know she’d been there until after she’d left. It was the artistic director whom she told she couldn’t leave. If I’d actually spoken to her I’m not sure I would be able to type coherent sentences right now.

  9. sam says:

    That’s awesome – congratulations.

  10. Andy says:

    Wow…that sounds pretty good. I performed in a workshop presentation of a new musical a couple years ago where after about the third musical number, not only was there no applause, you could hear someone giggling in the back. By intermission the house was empty.

  11. birdfarm says:

    Honey, I can read. But apparently I can’t write.

    By “someday soon,” I meant, “when she comes to your seventh-smash-hit-in-a-row opening night.”

    Of course, maybe you will have other people you prefer to speak to at intermission, in which case, she will post on her blog, “I tried to catch Dr. Faustus’s eye at intermission, but he was too busy chatting with Harvey Fierstein and Jerry Herman.”


  12. Uncle Zoloft says:

    …. all I can add is that I knew you when you tried to save my failing theater comapny! U go girl!

  13. chris says:

    Who is this… “Joan Allen” of whom you speak??

  14. Brian says:

    Thank God you took her name out of that song of yours. She might have found out about your secret feud with her following The Incident.

  15. Michael says:

    She’s divine. Mazel tov.

  16. Mush says:

    Yay you! *applause*

  17. That’s hot.

    No seriously that’s hot.

    Now you just need to write a show FOR HER….

  18. raph says:

    tanti auguri a te, dr. fausto.

  19. Roxzana says:

    Faustus, write more often! What’s with the every 4-5 days thing? Oh, wait, sorry for the selfish outburst. . .Yes, I do have a life outside of your e-mails, :-). I adore Joan Allen, so congratulations! –Roxzana

  20. Christopher says:

    That is, admittedly, pretty fucking cool! God, she was FABULOUS in Nixon. Hell, she’s just fabulous.


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