May 10, 2005

Everyone must go out immediately and buy my book, Gay Haiku, which is available as of today.

If you don’t want to pick it up from your local Barnes & Noble–or, better yet, your local independent bookstore–you can order it online from Powell’s City of Books, Barnes & Noble, or (If you do choose to get it online, I’d be eternally grateful if you used these links to do so. If anybody clicks on them and then buys anything, I get a kickback.)

After yesterday’s dramatic announcement of Faustus’s coming out, I find that I can’t quite bring myself to do it.

But I will say that this man and I have never been seen in the same room together.

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34 Responses to Everyone must go out immediately

  1. Chris says:

    Waitaminnit, I know that guy!

    I’m so happy for you I can’t STAND it. We hate it when our friends become successful.

  2. logan says:

    I omfg luf u.
    So much so that it almost reduces me to incoherence.

    Et ta voix! Incontestable. Ta voix s’accorde bien aux chansons que tu as écrites.

    Thumbs up!

  3. Lux says:

    you are just the cutest!

  4. birdfarm says:

    oh my god, you look fantastic, i love your website, and, well, wow. i wonder which will be more swamped with admiring fans–your step classes or your book signings?

    wow. (did i already say that?) i hafta say, even to me (kinsey 5.5 that I am), you look hot. really hot.

    i’m so glad I got back in touch with you before you were too famous to talk to me (did I already say that?) i’m gonna shut up before i get any stupider.

  5. i. bendito says:

    Such a picture. You steaming plate of écrivain you.

  6. Jill Smith says:


  7. Mr.D. says:

    Well done Mate!

    That’s two of us in public print:
    It happened to me

  8. jon collins says:

    great headshot!

  9. Blimey. I can spot talent a mile off.

  10. Jeffrey says:

    Mazel tov, my dear.

  11. orbicon says:

    Congratulations Dr!
    Don’t forget us, the little people, on your way to the top. We *made* you.

  12. cunegonde says:

    I’m still trying to picture that cute Joel guy with a big gun in his hand . . .

  13. Awww. I have written you a loving tribute.

  14. Tin Man says:

    Hooray! It’s about damn time.

    And I can’t wait to read the book! Congratulations!

  15. Lisa says:

    Congrats F!

  16. The One Who Asked About The Cookies says:

    Previous comment about Belle De Jour style abandonment retracted. I was clearly on something.

    Aww, you look quite cute! I hope you have great success with your book and I will definitely buy a copy (will it be available in Britain?)


  17. Wow you’re cute . . . and congrats on the book!

  18. PatCH says:

    As lovely as the headshots are, I think you are just a bit prettier in real life. That said, I love the B&W photo.


  19. Mike says:

    Cool 🙂 I’ve added the book to my cart but will wait until I’ve got my $25 in purchases. Shipping charges, feh!

  20. matt says:

    Nice one, Joel. It’s good to be, at long last, on first name terms in public.

  21. Anthony says:

    I think I’ve fallen in love with you and the book cinches it. But… you’re hundreds of miles away from me, as well as one and one half my age, or somewhere around there. Not to mention this E.S. person you constantly write about. (Really, don’t mention him anymore… It ruins the fantasy.) It’s destined to never work out, but I’m going to refer to you as my default boyfriend whenever I am not in a relationship.

  22. Book Worm says:

    Best of luck with the book, which sounds, from its samples, like a witty delight.

    I was a bit disappointed, however, that in your list of recommended sources you overlooked two pioneers in gay bookselling — stores that started selling LGBT titles long before mainstream stores would even consider them, stores that became community centers for community activism — as well as launching pads for gay writers. Powell’s is definitely cool, and Amazon and Barnes & Noble are comprehensive, but if you buy from these two stores, the profts go back to the gay community:

    Lambda Rising
    A Different Light

    It’s ironic that, as gay people and gay writing gain increasingly wide acceptance, the old sense of the gay community as a self-reliant, mutually dependent “band apart” has diminished.

  23. Jonathan says:

    Hey Faustus. Long time reader, first time poster.

    You should be pleased to hear that I went out to B&N tonight to pick up my copy–and the clerk said that they had stocked copies–but that they were all sold out. Who knew that we had such good taste out here in the Jersey burbs? 😉

    Oh well. I guess this means I shall have to wait to get mine through some other means. Sigh.

  24. David says:

    Aw, you’re adorkable. 🙂

  25. sam says:

    Congratulations, and I must use your photographer, as she’s done a fantastic job reflecting how handsome you are in real life.

    See, my inner jealous snark didn’t rear its ugly head. Yet.

  26. Frank says:

    Congratulations Faustus – The website is great, especially the pics. I had no idea you were so gorgeous 🙂

    PS We librarians had worked out your real identity ages ago. Research rules!

  27. Christopher says:

    I bought it! But apparently it is being shipped by canoe. It’s London ETA is in two weeks time.

    Damn you, Amazon.

  28. Brian says:

    Faustus, Amazon delivered and so did you! A very fun read – my roommate got tired of me laughing out loud and made me leave the room.

    Now, time for merchandising! You and David must create a comprehensive line of Gay Haiku goods.

  29. butterstar says:

    My husband just sent me a gay haiku thru the website. How cool is that??

    This is so exciting. I feel like I know you (though I don’t) because my husband knew you way back when. I may be broke, but I’ve got a B&N gift card with your book’s name on it. You are seriously cracking me up with the excerpts.

    Great website. And congrats!

  30. Patrick says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Joel Faustus.

    Few matters punctuate a man’s life like his first published book of gay senryu.

  31. DK says:

    Bravo. Congratulations!

  32. Kevin says:

    Oh, the fabulosity! The beautiful headshots, the gay Basho, your book gracing the shelves of my favorite book store—I’m so friggin’ proud of you, Faustus. I know what I’m buying everyone I know for future birthdays and holidays.

  33. Cisoux says:

    Hey Faustus, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of your book on the ultra-conservative shores of Singapore. (We’ve got the Queer Eye self-help books in stores, so I’m hopeful about your book gracing my shelf soon.) Congratulations! And those are awesome photos.

  34. Thom says:

    Congratulations. It almost couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Since I never got my free sex after donating to Tisch, I should ask for a free copy of the book, but I’m going to be noble and just pay for a copy.

    Mazel tov, my friend.


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